A New Breed of Customer
Are you optimally positioned to successfully market your products and services to the post-COVID consumer?
I’m not talking about a new market segment. This is the new breed of customer, and they predominate the marketplace right now. They’re the same people that were looking for and buying your stuff before 2020, but now they’re tired, anxious, and stressed-out.
The new consumer is tired of the news, sick of seeing the myriad ways the world has changed over the last couple years. And they’re fed up with stuff that’s hard – hard to use, hard to enjoy, hard to experience. These consumers want comfort, ease, and accessibility beyond anything else.
So the question is, are you delivering that? Regardless of what you’re selling, there are probably ways you can better position and deliver it to improve the appeal and the experience in the eyes of today’s customers.
Increasing the Appeal of Products and Services
Products that directly deliver on the comfort and pleasure of consumers are selling like hotcakes these days. Things like food and drink, plush bed linens, comfortable apparel, flowers and home decor, games, books, and music all deliver comfort right out of the box. This is probably the easiest to wrap your head around.
But what about the essential, but not-so-sexy stuff? A toilet plunger, for example? You’re probably not going sell more by tying pink ribbons around them. But you can make them easy to access by offering delivery or in-store pickup.
You can also re-position products by creating smart/cute/funny social media posts and email marketing campaigns that are highly shareable. While this approach might not result in higher toilet plunger sales (let’s face it, a home only needs so many toilet plungers), it will definitely increase the appeal of your brand and help drive more traffic to your website and/or your physical location.
Create the Path of Least Resistance
While people are getting out and about and travelling more, many have (re)discovered the pleasures of staying at home. Over the past couple years, home owners have been investing a disproportionately high amount of time and money in their homes with both indoor and outdoor renovations. So, now they want to stay there.
What this translates to is consumers who want to stay put. So make your products and services super-easy to access. Consider virtual meetings and consultations. And if you haven’t already created an online store, try adding online purchase options to your shopping experience.
Stand Out from The Crowd
Regardless of what you sell, think about ways to distinguish your brand experience from that offered by your competitors. Offer comfort, security, and (dare we say) fun where you can so people want to
- purchase from you,
- return for more, and
- tell their friends about you.
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